Mary Millard Award for Special Contributions to ACO

The Mary Millard Award for Special Contributions to ACO recognizes ACO members and associates who, through their actions and efforts, have made a significant contribution to the organization. It is these volunteers with their dedication, initiative and intelligence that constitute the most dynamic force in furthering the cause of historic preservation.

You can learn about Mary Millard, for whom the award was named, HERE.

Congratulations to Janet Graybiel, this year’s co-recipient!



When Preserve Olde Walkerville joined the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario in 1995 and became the Windsor Region Branch, Jan Graybiel was at its forefront. Jan was key in the Branch’s first success when she and other founding members moved Walkerville Town Hall, arranging the sale of the building and allowing it to now stand as a beautiful and integral part of the town. She has been there for each and every success since.

A financial professional, Jan has volunteered as Treasurer of the Branch for many years and has coordinated with and balanced the books for the highly success Doors Open Windsor Event. The Branch has lost some truly wonderful and vibrant people and it would have been easy to become stagnant but Jan has stayed active advocating for heritage in Windsor and Essex County. She comes to every meeting ready with ideas and is true problem solver. The branch would not be what or where we are without Jan’s passion and financial organizational skills.


Capitol Theatre


Mackenzie Hall