Eli Aaron
Recipient of the ACO NextGen Award
A graduate of Urban and Regional Planning from TMU in 2019, Eli Aaron is a young urban planning professional who is passionate about heritage preservation and local history. In 2020, Eli began volunteering with the North York Community Preservation Panel (NYCPP), was appointed to the Panel by Toronto City Council in 2022, and has served as vice-chair since 2023. He has conducted in-depth research on over 50 potential heritage properties for the NYCPP since 2020, many of which have been nominated by the panel for listing or designation. Recently, Eli spotted a demolition request for 26 Millwood Road and Prompt action by politicians and Heritage Planning staff resulted in the designation of the historic Joseph Stanley Davis house.
Over the last three years, Eli has made three presentations on Toronto’s architecture and local history at North Toronto Historical Society (NTHS) meetings, and has participated as a guide on NTHS neighbourhood walking tours. He has also planned and led two Lytton Park walking tours. Eli has been volunteering with the Lytton Park Residents’ Organization (LPRO) for five years, including three years on the board of directors. His work focuses on city planning issues, including advocating for community interests with respect to major development files and assisting residents with the committee of adjustment process. He recently published the book “Lytton Park: An Illustrated History,” focusing on the architecture, history and significant residents of North Toronto’s Lytton Park neighbourhood.